Khizra Ahmed

Khizra Ahmed is a second-year Graphic and Media Design student at the University of the Arts London (UAL) with a passion for storytelling and design. She has curated an exhibition on her grandfather's partition story showcased at London City Hall events, and assisted in directing a documentary for the 75th Windrush anniversary. As a freelance illustrator and graphic designer, her clients include London City Hall, Amaliah, and Everyday Muslim. She also programs for film festivals, conducts heritage workshops, and has landscape design experience from high school. Khizra is known for her openness to a wide variety of creative opportunities, constantly seeking new avenues for expression and collaboration.


Animation by Khizra Ahmed, using art by participants

  • The wording reads on the artwork, 'Crip Time', - bright yellow neon lights in a stylised handwritten font. The neon words are framed inside a transparent perspex box.  

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