Ell Rose

Ell Rose is a non-binary illustrator & animator based in Edinburgh. Ell works with the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) as the illustration features editor for SCBWI’s online magazine wordsandpics.org

Things that inspire Ell’s illustration and animation work come from games, movies, and their everyday life living alongside cats.

You can see more of Ell’s work at https://fourfooteleven.com & https://instagram.com/fourfooteleven.illustration


Animation – giving an introduction to Energy Limiting Conditions and key findings

  • The wording reads on the artwork. 'Love not Pity', - in bright blue lettering and a love heart in red behind the word. All in neon lights in a stylised handwritten font The neon words are framed inside a transparent Perspex box.  

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