About the Artist: Jan Williams, The Caravan Gallery

A photo of the artist, Jan Williams. She is a white woman with blonde hair in an up do, wearing a blue dress and black shawl. She is sat on a red sofa against a white wall, looking into the camera.

The portraits in this exhibition (apart from the one provided by Mandy Colleran) are by Birkenhead-born artist and photographer Jan Williams, co-founder of itinerant arts venue The Caravan Gallery with partner Chris Teasdale. The Caravan Gallery ethos is about breaking down barriers and engaging with people, places and themes that are often overlooked and under-celebrated. It’s about documenting the ‘reality and surreality of everyday life’ and creating participatory exhibitions about people and places.

“I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to work with DaDa. It’s been an absolute joy and privilege to meet and photograph so many incredibly impressive women artists and activists to celebrate DaDaFest International’s 40th anniversary. Although Rage undoubtedly provides the motivation required to face challenges and fight injustice, everyone I photographed exuded joy and chose to focus on positivity and the power of creativity. I heard so much about the camaraderie and mutual support between deaf and disabled artists and activists. I also learned about the Social Model of Disability which says that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference. In other words, it’s society that needs to change! I hope my photographs convey a sense of joy, fun, colour, mischief, power, determination and a spirit of playfulness and rebellion.

Big thanks to all the fabulous artists and activists for sharing their stories, to their PAs and assistants, to the DaDa team, Open Eye, and to everyone who enabled this project to happen.

Thanks to my assistant Chris Teasdale, and to my Mum, Pat Williams (Mayor of Wirral 2002-3), for her ongoing inspiration and support.”

About The Caravan Gallery

Founded in 2000, The Caravan Gallery — Jan Williams, Chris Teasdale and their mobile gallery — have travelled thousands of miles and exhibited in numerous locations nationally and internationally, from supermarket carparks to prestigious galleries and museums. The Caravan Gallery’s Pride of Place Projects invite people to contribute to pop-up exhibitions in vacant venues.



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